Julie Silverlock
by Julie Silverlock

I try to get on my e-bike every day, even if it’s just for a short ride to the shops and back.   Sure, riding an e-bike kicks the leisurely factor up a notch but there are hidden depths to the e-bike that may come as a surprise to the uninitiated.

If I had ever considered e-bikes as the easy option, as a way to take the physical effort out of cycling, I now realize that's not strictly true.  I still seem to be pushing my fitness levels and getting stronger with each ride (and have a suitable ache in my legs to know I've definitely done the work) but I also have the potential to ride faster, for longer and arguably better than before.  I've become attached to my e-bike in more ways than one and find myself riding more than ever and the more I ride, the more benefits I discover for having an e-bike in my life.   I can't recommend them enough.

1. Keeping up the Pace

Even if you put in a decent effort on your bike, do you sometimes struggle to keep up with those you like to ride with?  I sometimes find myself in this camp as my partner, who I cycle with the most, has a naturally faster pace than I do and so having an e-bike gives us the ability to ride together without one party slowing down or waiting more, and the other being able to enjoy the faster ride.  It has allowed us to ride at a mutually agreeable pace which makes it all the more enjoyable, leading to enthusiasm for more frequent rides.

The Romantic Road

Try an e-bike and boat tour in Europe with your loved one

2. Safety

A rarely used but surprising benefit of the e-bike can be to catapult you out of a potentially dangerous situation in next to no time.  Picture this: you are waiting at traffic lights in the middle of a busy city and would dearly love some extra acceleration to get you out of harm's way.  Or, you take a wrong turn and find yourself in an unfamiliar area and suddenly get the feeling you'd be safer elsewhere – a short, sharp exit is required.  You might even find yourself happily exploring a rural track only to come across some curious but potentially harmful wildlife and prefer some electric assistance to send you on your way.  There are endless scenarios when the extra boost is not only handy but could also save you from minor scrapes to something more major. 

E-bike NZ's North Island

Safe in the knowledge you can accelerate away from Orcs if needed...

3. Biking to the Max

Riding an e-MTB has been a game changer for me.  Boosting up the rocky hills to tackle the downs is more enjoyable and allows me to spend longer out on the trails, enabling advancement in both distance and technique.

But essentially having an e-bike assists further and more frequent riding.  For me, both of these elements are true, and just having the confidence to know you can ride further is no small thing.  Having that added trust and confidence in my friendly e-bike is something I'm grateful for and something that helps keep the enthusiasm up, the momentum going and the excited anticipation for the next ride.  Anything is possible!

Cycle Tour the Length of the UK

Grab an e-bike and consider something crazy

4.  Improved Technical Ability

Recently on a trip to Tasmania, I got to test this theory out and I’m happy to say it proved true for me.  Riding the gnarly ascents and twisted singletrack that I might have previously struggled with became manageable and the e-bike truly felt like a trusty stead I quickly put my faith in.  Shimmying over the roots and rocks with an assisted speed gave me a glimpse into the rider I want to become, and so this encouragement and confidence that an e-bike can foster is incredibly motivating and endearing.  Even my riding buddy, someone who didn’t particularly want an e-bike, was sold on the benefits it gave to him as an advanced rider.

E-MTB Spain's Sierra Nevada Range

Experience e-bike only departures, or rent an e-bike on a regular departure

5.  E-bike as Personal Trainer...

Leading on from the point above, using an e-bike as a training tool has its own benefits.  Sometimes starting a new fitness regime, whether it be running or cycling, can feel like some sort of tortuous display out in the open, when you are trying to find your groove.  Having an e-bike on your side can assist with a feeling of optimism – you can do it!  You can ride a decent distance, and before you know it you'll be easing off with the higher levels of assistance and increasing your fitness.  And, of course, many regular cyclists have been known to use e-bikes for recovery after an injury, which is also a wonderful way to keep cycling whilst you get back to optimum fitness.

No Sweat – E-bike Slovenia

Enjoy incredible scenery and fantastic e-biking

6.  Getting Out in All Weathers (and enjoying it!)

It's true, you can ride a bike in all weathers (!) but I'll admit it – I used to hate riding in the wind, feeling like I was on a stationary bike, going nowhere fast.  Not any more!  My e-bike takes on those blustery days with gusto and the weather is no longer an obstacle.  This is another example of how an e-bike can help you get out on the bike more. and that can only be a good thing.

If windy weather doesn't bother you, hold your horses, the e-bike can still come through for you, reducing the effects of 'uncomfortable' weather, whatever that means for you.  You could outrun a rain cloud or get out of the blazing sun to boost towards the shady tree-lined track.  I'm from a mild climate but currently live in the subtropics and summertime cycling here can be brutal, in terms of sunshine and humidity.  Knowing I can pedal faster than I would without e-assist allows me to extend my cycling season and take short rides on days I might otherwise have skipped for the cool air-conditioning.  This could also apply if you're planning on cycling at altitude.  The e-bike can take the edge off navigating certain challenges and I've found that to be a welcome benefit, again seeing me cycle much more than I would have before I had an e-bike.  It should be said that i'm not averse to challenges and like to push myself physically, but for me, having an e-bike increases the comfort in some areas to allow for more challenges in others.  Maybe this factor can give you the boost you need to try a tour in a country with weather or altitude that isn't in your normal comfort range. 

Altitude E-biking

Discover Peru with an e-bike at your side

7.  Family, Furbabies, or Cargo!

If you have young children that you'd like to tow in a trailer or tag along, or perhaps your precious family members have fur and four legs and might like a trailer to jump into on longer rides – here again the e-bike shines.  Balancing the weight in your favour and making towing a breeze, you could also tow your shopping, or your camp gear if bike packing, and use your e-bike as a bit of a practical workhorse.  Lighten the load and let the e-bike become your new best friend.

Pedal Through Europe

E-bike tour the cycle friendly paths with family

8.  Joyride

Lastly, the joy I've found riding my e-bike is something that was unexpected.  I thought I would like it, but there is something about an e-bike that also taps into an inner childlike sense of glee.  You can opt to stay in the lower assistance modes or, on days where you just have less energy, crank it up and let the good times roll.  Here's to the e-bike and all her splendor!  Next time you go on tour, consider trying an e-bike – you might just fall in love.

Cycle Tour New Zealand

Bike the iconic Alps to Ocean trail on an e-bike