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Fully Guided
Road Biking from Saigon to Angkor

Road Biking from Saigon to Angkor

Roll your wheels through the delightful sights of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Hop aboard your road bike and glide through the glorious backdrops of both Vietnam and Cambodia on this spectacular journey of a lifetime. Marvel at the jaw dropping beauty of Angkor Wat, delve into the dark and fascinating history of Vietnam, kick back on beaches and explore fine hilltop cities. Along the way, enjoy the encouragement and welcoming approach of locals as you tackle this superb bicycle adventure.

Fully Guided
Biking Hanoi to Luang Prabang

Biking Hanoi to Luang Prabang

Master the majestic mountain ranges of Vietnam and Laos on this epic ride.

Come and cycle the majestic mountain ranges of Vietnam and Laos for a fresh perspective on these Southeast Asian countries that few others will ever have the privilege of seeing. The journey will lead you past flowing rivers, towering limestone cliffs, cascading green rice paddies and introduce you to fascinating hilltop tribal communities. Put simply: this is the adventure of a lifetime and one you will cherish forever.

Fully Guided
Vietnam Bike Tour: Saigon to Hanoi

Vietnam Bike Tour: Saigon to Hanoi

Revel in Vietnam’s raw beauty as you ride the backstreets from south to north.

Do as the locals do and hop aboard a bike to join this epic cycling trip that covers the length of Vietnam from the south in Saigon to the capital in the north Hanoi. Discover the hidden treasures of this Southeast Asian gem as you take the wheels off the beaten path and delve into what makes this a friendly, diverse and culturally rich country. From the beaches of Nha Trang, Dalat’s cool mountain air and the wondrous sights of the Halong Bay archipelagos, Vietnam has it all and by cycling you will witness it in a way few other travellers ever will.

Fully Guided
Saigon to Bangkok by Bicycle

Saigon to Bangkok by Bicycle

Breathe in rivers, history and beaches on this Southeast Asian cycling dream.

Send your tires sliding through three of Southeast Asia’s sensational countries – Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Enjoy these diverse and magnificent lands from the unique vantage point of your bike as we ride along the Mekong Delta, take in the wondrous history of Angkor Wat, kick back on the beach, and, of course sample some of the finest food in the world.

Fully Guided
Phnom Penh to Saigon

Phnom Penh to Saigon

Get on a bicycle, off the beaten track and explore the contrast in countries between Cambodia and Vietnam over 12 fascinating days on a socially conscious adventure tour.

Get on a bicycle, off the beaten track and explore the contrast in countries between Cambodia and Vietnam over 12 fascinating days on a socially conscious adventure tour. With an adventure beginning in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and finishing in Saigon, Vietnam, you can truly explore and uncover the mysteries of these two incredible countries. Get ready to cycle almost 500km across Cambodia and Vietnam. From Choeung Ek Killing Fields in Phnom Penh to the mighty Mekong Delta, you will be taken on a journey that will push your physical limits, challenge your ethical values and completely open your mind. You are about to go on a journey that may well change your life. And the lives of others.